Monday, June 11, 2007

Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!

And now, for the unveiling of the total on my Target receipt.....

Leela wins with an uncannily close guess of 376.50. Scarily close, actually. It makes me think she has a spy in my wallet.

All you kids who guessed in around 300, either you forgot to figure in the new suitcase, or you underestimate my dependence on drugstore toiletries.

As for what I forgot to pack: I did, miraculously, remember my toothbrush (actually bought new ones at Target) and my hairbrush. I sort of wish I had left my mind behind then I wouldn't have had my cranky-baby freakout the second day we were here. I did remember to bring some good pens.

Here's what we didn't deal with before we left/forgot to bring. And by forgot, I mean things that I intended to bring along, but didn't: the lawn guy, so we'll have a jungle when we get back. Cable to hook up the Ipod to a stereo. Charger for cell phone (so I could get an Indian Sim card for it). Charger for my Ipod.

CG wins with her guesses, even if they were things I didn't even think about bringing, but now seem like a good idea. At the time I packed I didn't want to bring Immodium or Pepto since we'd be in the city and I'd rather get rid of whatever badness sooner rather than later. In other words, I didn't foresee any camel rides/bus trips. I fully intended to stay somewhere in the vicinity of toilets, running water, and A/C. Now, however, at least one road trip has been proposed, and even with A/C in the car, there's still the possibility of needing those medicines. So, CG wins with her gastrointestinal guess!

Congratulations, Leela and CG.

Stay tuned for more chances at winning!


Anonymous said...

SHeeeeE-AT! I guest phoneand I-pod chargers and told CG but being the space monkey, home rennoing maniac that I am I did not post my guess. Is there any consolation prizes for being a blog slacker?
P.S (you want me to call your gardner?)

Anonymous said...

Yeh Baby! I won a prize!
I get freaky deaky about my medicines being in familiar packaging when I am sick abroad. Hence the dragging along of the Pepto and Immodium. Sometimes you can get it abroad but the PACKAGING IS DIFFERENT and that makes me PARANOID!? This makes B crazy, he doesn't share my superstition....

Anyway, you have survived your first week! Woohoo! You will be an old hand by August. Roadtrippin must haves: toilet paper, baby wipes are pretty useful too, the upset stomach remedies, of yes and alcohol...

If you send your gardners number I could call him for you

B really did say phonecharger to me but didn't's the thing he always forgets

Whats on your agenda for week two?