Monday, June 25, 2007

Hyderabad is a small town

Or a suburb trapped in a big city's body. There is no central theater where we could find dance, drama, or music performances. The listing of events in the paper or online is non-existant. The university is 20 clicks away, and from the silence that answered my inquiries, I guess is closed for summer. When the paper does mention readings or other cultural events, its usually after they're over.

There's a stadium where you can watch cricket.

And there's one idiosyncratic dusty museum.

There's a lot of money and bored rich kids. And a lot of shopping. Several 5 star hotels with restaruants. Very little in the way of a public local culture: the local cultural center is closed every time I've been by it; I suspect it's a place to rent to put on performances that aren't open to the public.

And that's why we went to the mall for amusement. Not that different from the burbs at home. Crazy, right?


Anonymous said...

Alright what you kids need is a good old fashioned camel trek in the Thar desert. You will eat nothing but chapati, dahl, rice and vegetables and sleep outside on the camel blankets. No showers, and dishes get "washed" with sand. You'll develop sores on your ass from riding the stinky ass space aliens we like to call camels. How does that sound? Fabulous No?


Delia Christina said...

good to know that mall culture has spread all over the world. if one just traveled from mall to mall, one would hardly know one had left home.

wouldn't one?

Delia Christina said...

oh, and a totally unasked for suggestion: post photos!