Thursday, June 14, 2007


New contest. Which of the following was not part of the scene at the bar/disco called 10 Downing Street:

a) a bouncer for the dance floor: boy/girl couples only
b) fire breathing dancers on stages
c) flaming shots
d) fire on the tables/bar itself: lighter fluid squirted on the surface followed by a match

First one to guess the right one gets a prize!


Delia Christina said...

i'm going with B.
it seems the most prosaic.

Peete said...

*i hope there really were no bouncers on the dance floor.
I*'d like to see the fire breathing dancers
*I love taking the flaming shots...exept if you don't know to blow them out firs, you might not have any eyebrows left
*Fire on the table goes well with flaming shots...just don't lean on the bar after cuz you'll get the extra lighter fluid on your clothes

So i guess my answer is A.